
My Little Flying Monkey


Haulin' in Hot Pink

Ab's second track meet @ Victor. Girls came in second!!


Have I told you lately that I love my new Camera?

This is my version of Air Buddy, here is Air Bear!! Bear love soccer and will play tirelessly for ages. Years ago his older sisters took some summer soccer lessons so he has loads of soccer balls at his ready disposal. There is no fake out he cannot get past and no air ball he cannot stop!! Anytime you are in the neighborhood, stop on by for a quick game of "bear ball"!!


Num Yummy!!

I treated myself to two beautiful tomatoes the other day. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the price!! The other tomato is about the same size as the one pictured and I paid over $4.00 for both of them. I cannot wait until I can plant my own tomato plants. And even though that lovely red gem looks good enough to eat, it does not have that wonderful, fresh from the vine scent that home grown has. Wish me luck. I am going to have this little beauty with my lunch. Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks.


SHHHHH, we are hunting Wabbits

Not sure why, but with teens that is normally the case!!


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